Autosomal DNA – I have tested my autosomal DNA with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and have copied the results to My Heritage, Living DNA and GEDmatch.com where my kit number is T634932. I also manage autosomal kits of my two siblings, a first cousin, two second cousins and a fourth cousin on the Burns side of the family; and two of my first cousins and a third cousin on the Stanley side of the family. I am also a member of the North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) project on FTDNA

Y-DNA – I have taken a Y-DNA test and have joined the Byrne/Burns Y-DNA project on Family Tree TDNA. On the advice of the project admins there I took the Z255 SNP test which confirmed I am descended from the Leinster O’Byrnes, I subsequently upgraded to Y-700 and my confirmed haplogroup is R-BY152563. You can find out more about this haplogroup on a feature called Discovery on the FTDNA website. If you follow the link https://discover.familytreedna.com/ and enter the haplogroup R-BY152563.

The following two links give an idea of what you can determine from Y-DNA testing, the subject is a Mr Burns (not me) but he does have a similar haplogroup. A word of warning though the ability to pinpoint locations in using DNA has been called into question by many involved in the field of genetic genealogy.

PART I: Case Study – Pinpointing the Burns Irish Paternal Ancestral Genetic Homeland

PART II: Reconstructing the Burns Ancient Paternal Ancestral Journey

I have tested a male cousin on the Stanley side of the family to Y-700 and his confirmed haplogroup is J-BY243. As with my own haplogroup you can find out more about this one by following the link: https://discover.familytreedna.com/ then adding the haplogroup J-BY243.

Mitochondrial DNA – I have tested my mitochondrial DNA and am confirmed at T1a1g.