Burns-Stanley Family Tree

The Family of Thomas Proctor and Sarah Scarlett


Thomas Proctor (1840-1916)
Sarah Scarlett (185?-19??)
Married: 7th October 1879
James Proctor (1879-19??)
Annie Elizabeth Proctor (1881-19??)
Edith Isabella Proctor (1884-19??)
Evelyn Frances Proctor (1890-19??)
George Howard Proctor (1892-19??)
Victoria Florence Proctor (1894-19??)
Jessie Henrietta Proctor (1896-19??)

The family in the 1901 census. 1901 Census

The family in the 1911 census. 1911 Census

Birth of James Proctor. Registration of birth.

Death of Thomas Proctor. Registration of death.

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