Burns-Stanley Family Tree

The Family of Dorothea Stanley and Robert Greer

Dorothea Stanley (1818-1893)
Robert Greer (1806-1878)
Married: 183?
William Greer (184?-19??)

The dates of birth for Dorothea and Robert are based on ages given on their death certificates. Evidence for their marriage comes from Ralph Stanley's will which refers to his daughter as Dorothea Greer, and on the death registration of Dorothy Greer, she is named as the widow of Robert Greer and the informant is her nephew, Ralph Stanley, presumably the eldest son of her brother John.

The evidence for William being their son is that he was the informant on Robert's death registration and that William's marriage registration lists Robert Greer of Drumgar as his father.

The Greer family lived in the townland of Drumgar, in the Parish of Derrynoose in Co Armagh. In Griffith's Valuation of Drumgar, 23 occupants of the townland are listed of whom 7 are named Greer, there are 2 Roberts, Benjamin, William, John, Eliza Jane, and Mary Anne. These are all likely to be related to Robert and some or all bar Robert himself may be sons or daughters.

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