The Marriage of David Herbert Stanley and Mary Jane (May) Moffett
A wedding of much local interest was solemnised in Ballymore Parish Church. Tandragee. on Wednesday of last week. Rev. Canon P. Marks, B.D.. officiating, the contracting parties younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs Charles Stanley, Derryhale. Porta down, and Miss May Moffett, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moffett, Terryhoogan, Scarva. Mr. Charles Moffett, brother of the bride, acted as best man, and Miss Lily Stanley, sister of the bride- groom, was bridesmaid.
The bride looked charming in a two piece blue ensemble, and also the bridesmaid in Marina blue, with hat and shoes to tone. Both carried handbags and wore sprays of carnations, which were much admired by the vast crowd assembled to greet them.
After the ceremony the party motored to the bride's home, where a reception was held and luncheon was served. They then proceeded to Bangor where they were most suitably entertained at the beautiful t residence of the bridegroom's brother, Mr. Albert Stanley.
Numerous valuable and useful presents were received by the happy couple from their friends and well- wishers
Portadown Times, 8th October 1937, p1.
See also: TThe Family of David Herbert Stanley and May Moffett