Obituary of Henry Telford Maffett 1914
The relatives of Captain H T Maffett of the Leinster Regiment have received an intimation from the War Office that he was killed on October 21st. Captain Maffett was the youngest son of the late William Hamilton Maffett, of St Helena, Finglas, Co. Dublin. He joined the Leinster Regiment from the Militia in 1894, and was promoted to Captain in 1900. For a short time he was Garrison Adjutant at St Lucia, and for two years was employed with the West African Frontier Force, during which time he took part in the operations against the forces of Bida and Kontagora, 1901. As Provost Marshal attached to the 2nd Brigade in India, he was present at the operations in the Mohmand country, 1908.
The following personal appreciation of Captain Maffett appeared in The Times of October 30th:- "By the death in action of Henry Telford Maffett, of the Leinster Regiment, that distinguished Irish corps loses an officer of much promise. His loss is deplored by a large circle of friends, both in Ireland and in England. To them he was universally known as 'Larry' Maffett, and I have met no man in my time who better deserved or more certainly enjoyed the affection of his friends. He belonged to the hard-riding, sport-loving race of Anglo-Irishmen, whose splendid military qualities have been tried and proved in every field in which British arms have been engaged. His memory will ever be cherished by those who knew him best as that of a very gallant gentleman. There can be no doubt that he himself would have wished nothing better, if his life had, indeed, to be surrendered, than it should be given in the sacred cause that the Expeditionary Force is upholding in France and Belgium."
A first cousin of Captain Maffett's, the Vicomte de Vauvineux, an officer of the French Army, fell gallantly in action early in September when acting as interpreter to a British Cavalry Brigade.
See also: The Family of William Hamilton Maffett and Marcella Adelaide Bayly