Widespread regret has been evoked by the death of Mrs. Anne Littlewood, widow of Mr. Acheson Littlewood, 19 Sandys Street, Newry, which took place after a brief illness on 31st March.
She is survived by two sons, Mr. William J. Littlewood, J.P., Belfast and Mr. Albert Littlewood and three daughters, Mrs. J. Chester, Mrs. E. Ruddle, Toronto, and Mrs. T. R. Bunton, St. Alban's.
The funeral was to St. Patrick's graveyard. Rev. A. T. I. Forde, M.A., Vicar of Newry, officiated in the services held in the home, the Church and at the graveside.
The chief mourners were Wm. J. Littlewood, J.P., Belfast; Albert Littlewood (sons); Stanley Acheson Littlewood, Belfast and Ronald S. Littlewood (grandsons); Robert Littlewood, Belfast (brother-in-law); H. Young, Carrickfergus, and William Picken, do. (grandsons-in-law); J. Littlewood, Belfast; W. Littlewood, Jack Littlewood, William Rowlands and Leslie Rowlands, Acheson McKnight, Clive McKnight, William Hanna and Robert Stewart (nephews), George Reid, jun.; Nesbitt McElroy, R. Stevenson, J. Livingstone, Malcolm Livingstone and Chester Kidd (relatives).
Wreaths were inscribed - "To Mother, with love," from her sorrowing family in Ireland, England and Toronto. "To our darling Granny," from her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in Ireland, England and Toronto; "In loving memory" from Benny, Muriel and children, Toronto; "With deepest sympathy," from Mrs. Lynas and the McKee family; "In loving memory of a dear friend," from May and Bert.
Messrs. Gordon and Co., Sugar Island, Newry, carried out the funeral arrangements.
Newry Telegraph, Saturday, April 28th, 1956, p7.
See also: The Family of Acheson Littlewood and Anne Duffy