Burns-Stanley Family Tree

The Funeral of Elizabeth Greer


It is with feelings of sincere regret we record the demise of this much esteemed and highly respected lady which took place at her residence on Tuesday morning. Her remains were removed on Thursday morning, at eight o’clock, for interment in the burying-ground at Lisnadill Church. The funeral was private, attended by relatives and kind friends who wished to pay the last tribute of respect to one who in life was so much beloved. The chief mourners were—Henry F. Greer, Esq., husband; George Greer, Esq., and Francis H. Greer, Esq., brothers; Francis Greer, Esq, uncle; John Barcroft, Esq., J.P.; Jonathan Barcroft Esq.; Robert W. Scott, Esq.; Robt. Daniel. Esq., and T. W. Pim, Esq., brothers-in-law. The following gentleman were present—Rev. Mr. Radcliffe, Rev. James Jones, A. Daniels, Esq.; Captain Coote, Captain Bailey, Lieutenant Fitzgerald (Royal Irish Fusiliers); Henry Fraser, Esq., M.D.; George Bowes, Esq.; F. L. Martin, Esq.; W. F. Cardwell, Esq.; ____ Daniels, Esq.; Thomas Wynne, Esq.; Master Cardwell, Edward Taylor, Esq., Etc. On arriving at Lisnadill Church, the service was most impressively conducted the Rev. Mr. Radcliffe, and the remains were then laid in their last resting place. The coffin was of polished oak, richly mounted, and breast-plate had inscription:-

Elizabeth B. Greer,

Died 21st June


Pretty wreaths of immortelles were placed on lid of coffin, from Henry F. Greer, Esq. Mrs. F. H. Greer. Mrs. Greer, Bernagh; Mrs. Pim, Belfast; Mrs. Scott, Beechgrove; Miss Edith Greer. Beechgrove; Miss P. Greer, Beechgrove; Miss Daniel, Derryhale; Master Frank and Miss Norah Greer, Bernagh; Mrs. Jonathan Barcroft, Grange Lodge; the Misses Norah and Ethel Daniel, Derryhale; Masters Cecil and Malcom Barcroft, Grange Lodge; Miss Lucy Greer, Rhone Hill; Mrs. Albert Coote, Bow House; Mrs. Radcliffe. Lisnadill; Mrs. Bowen, the Mall: Mrs. Johnston, the Mall; Mrs. Griffiths. Killynure; Miss Johnson, the Mall Alfred Daniel, Esq.; Major Pakenham, Dr. and Miss Fraser, Seven Houser, . Herr Fischef, Callan Lodge; Mrs. Jones, Tulllyniskin Glebe; Miss Jones, do.; Mrs. McWilliams.

The funeral arrangements were carried out the Messrs. Frizell.

Ulster Gazette, 25th June 1887, p2, c8.

See also: The Family of Henry Francis Greer and Elizabeth Barrington Pike

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